Get in Shape with the Masterful Teaching of Christine Dercole

Senior InstructorChristine D’Ercole shared her story in an Instagram post. She talked about her diagnosis and her struggles, as well as the doctors who helped her.

This post by D’Ercolereports her dermatologist’s biopsy results, which revealed a diagnosis for Squamous Cell Carcinoma. the Peloton instructor said that the spot of cancer was approximately the same size as a dime at the bridge of her nose.

CDE, as she is known, assured her followers that all the cancer was gone. She thanked them all and the professionals who did the reconstruction.

CDE offers words of hope

D’Ercole continues to speak positivity in true style, motivating thousands of people each day.

I CAN ACCEPT. It’s difficult to relax.

You can take your hands off of the wheel.

Take a break

Do not move for three weeks

To be still

To live in the unknown.


As I return to movement I will be aware of the journey ahead from zero.

I know that I’m not the only one. Many of you are also coming back from being overlooked. We are all in this together.

I DO UNDERSTAND the fact that medicine can be found in both movement and stillness.

We require both. Never has the art of restraint been more important.

Christine D’Ercole, a Peloton instructor who has 142,000 Instagram followers, used her platform to spread awareness about skin cancer. CDE encourages everyone to see their dermatologist and get checked if there are any suspicious marks.

Christine D’Ercole is not yet a Peloton instructor. She has stated that she would like to ride again. Peloton members are just as keen to see her return.

CDE was supported and loved by many in the comments section. It’s not surprising, as Peloton has put in a lot of effort to build its supportive, close-knit community of fitness enthusiasts around the world .

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