Everything You Need to Know About Peloton - FAQs
This FAQ article about Peloton has been updated. Why? Since I wrote the first post, many people have come to me seeking answers to their Peloton questions. It has grown over the years.
Peloton FAQs could have been a huge help when I first joined the Peloton community. Peloton requires you to be familiar with many words, phrases, abbreviations, acronyms, and other lingo.
Since 2016, I have had my Peloton. I now know what the different phrases and words in the Peloton mean.
But I do realize that you may not know what the instructors are saying if you’re unfamiliar with the Peloton ecosystem. Maybe you’ve met Peloton users out in the wild. The person then asked you what your leaderboard name is or what tags are you following.
This FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions about Peloton. These are the definitions and explanations of some common terms used in Peloton that may be confusing to new users.
Peloton Leaderboard
What is the leaderboard? Also known as the LB, If you’re a fan of golf, racing, or Dancing with the Stars, then you already know what a leaderboard looks like. The leaderboard (usually) shows the positions of competitors in a race, or competition.
The Leaderboard on the Peloton is an overlay (or app) that displays your class position and the positions of all others in the class.
How does the Peloton leaderboard function?
The leaderboard displays all riders in your class for live rides or on-demand rides. The leaderboard can also show the “all-time” LB for a particular class, meaning everyone who has taken it.
Your output determines your position on the leaderboard. Remember that different bikes have different calibrations. Your output is not compared to that of your “competition”. To be honest, I don’t get riders who want to be the number one in the Peloton leaderboard.
You think your Peloton bike needs to recalibrated? This article will help.
Usernames & Leaderboards of Peloton instructors
Peloton instructors are known for showing up at your classes with a lot of them. They might even give you a high five.
How do you determine if they are the Peloton instructor that you believe? I have the usernames and leaderboard names for almost all current Peloton instructors.
Names of Peloton instructors who are on the leaderboard
Below is an alphabetical listing of all the Peloton instructors, with their leaderboard names. This was what I could confirm.
You’ll notice that the usernames of instructors who are on the Peloton leaderboard can be found on Instagram. If my list is incomplete, you can search using their Instagram or Twitter handles.
- Ben Alldis: BenAlldis
- Olivia Amato: olivia_amato
- Robin Arzon: RobinArzon
- Hannah Corbin: HannahCorbin
- Christine D’Ercole: IAMICANIWILLIDO
- Cliff Dwenger: clifforddwenger
- Hannah Frankson: HannahFrankson
- BecsGentry: BecsGentry
- Anna Greenberg: agreenberg
- Callie Gullickson: ItscallieG
- Leanne Hainsby: LeanneHainsbyUK
- Chelsea Jackson Roberts: CJRLovesYoga
- Rebecca Kennedy: RKSolid
- Rad Lopez: Radlopez
- Kristen McGee: krimcgee
- Daniel McKenna: theirish_yank
- AllyMissLove: AllyLove
- Emma Lovewell: emmalovewell
- Matty Maggiacomo: mattymaggiacomo
- Denis Morton: Denis__Morton
- Tunde Oyeneyin: tune2tunde
- Cody Rigsby: codyrigsby
- Bradley Rose: bradley_rose
- Selena Samuela: selenasamuela
- Aditi Shah: diti22
- Jenn Sherman: JennSherman
- Jess Sims: jesssims
- Andy Speer: AndySpeer23
- Kendall Toole: fitxkendall
- Alex Toussaint - MrToussaint25
- Adrian Williams: AdrianWNYC
- Matt Wilpers: MWilpers
- Sam Yo: SuperYOda
Classes in Peloton on Demand
From my cable TV experience, I was familiar with the term “on demand”. It’s basically a way to access a video that has been recorded before. You can also queue up the recording and then press play when you are ready. It’s the exact same on Peloton.
Each class broadcast live is recorded and stored in an On Demand library. Instructors may record classes for On Demand only.
Encore classes
What is the FAQ on Encore classes? An Encore class is one that has been previously recorded. It will be rebroadcast as a live class. It will appear on the Peloton schedule along with live classes.
It will display “Encore” under the class name, instead of “Live.” You can also toggle a switch on your bike to hide Encore classes. If you prefer to ride Live only, this is a great trick.
This is my blog post explaining how the Peloton class scheduling works.
What is a High Five?
Double-tap on someone’s photo to give them a high-five. This is done to show support, or just to be friendly.
Peloton Tags
What is a Peloton tag? It is short for hashtags.
Your profile can have up to 10 hashtags. This will allow you to meet people with similar interests, who live near you, or even attended the same college. You’ll often get a unique tag when you join a Power Zone Team.
Where can I find my Peloton tag?
To add tags, you will need to go to your profile settings. You will need to add tags on the Peloton hardware (aka the Tread or Bike) or the Peloton website. At the time of writing, I am unable to find a way to use my tags to access Peloton via my Roku TV or app.
If you are riding with others who have your tags, the hashtag will appear in blue under the profile of the Leaderboard. This color change is only visible for classes that were taken on the hardware.
How can I add hashtags on my profile?
You can add hashtags and tags to your profile by going into your Peloton profile. Peloton just added the ability for users to add tags to their profile in the app. Here’s how it works.
Tap Profile at the bottom of the Peloton App. You’ll also see any hashtags you have previously added under your profile photo. Click that. Three. The next screen will present you with three options to add tags:
- My tags
- Search or Create (meaning search for or create new tags).
- Explore
What does “My Tags” mean?
You can see your tags by going to “My Tags” in your profile. Your profile can only have 10 tags at a given time. This means that you can have no more than 10 tags per profile.
If you have reached your maximum number of tags, you can’t delete them here. Let me show you how to do this. You would expect that the app would offer the same functionality as Gmail and even class stacks. The app would also allow you to tap on a tag to view the options to delete it. It doesn’t.
What does “Search or Create” mean?
You can tap on “Search or Create” to enter the name of your tag. Peloton explained that tags can contain up to 20 numbers or letters with no spaces.
I searched for tags that were related to NYU, my alma mater. I searched for NYU and received a lot of results. One of the results was appropriate: NYUalum. I clicked on the button to add it to my profile. I was offered the option to delete an existing tag so that there would be enough room.
How can I tell if I can delete an existing tag? Because an “X” appeared in a circle right next to it. This tells me to tap here and delete.
I chose to tap on the name my previous Power Zone team. I don’t need it anymore since the challenge is finished. The app asked me to confirm that I wanted the tag replaced with a new one. I agreed. The confirmation screen showed me that the new tag had been added with a large check mark.
What does the “Explore” tag mean?
You can tap on the “Explore tags” option to see a list that includes tags that have been classified in four different ways.
- Trending
- Featured
- Friends
- Popular
This will allow you to find trending and popular tags or, even more important, the tags your friends are following.
Peloton may decide to feature a tag, but I don’t know what criteria they use. As I wrote this article, the featured tags that day were #BeersAfter and #BunsofAnarchy.
These tags show how many Peloton members are included in each tag, as well as the featured ones. It’s confusing because the tags don’t appear to be listed in descending order based on number of members. I’m referring to #PeloDoctors, which had 26,199 members, was just above #SweatSquad, which had 7,918 members. Is there logic?
What is Just Ride mode?
There are two options if you’re looking to ride your Peloton bicycle but don’t want a class. You can log on to one of the scenic rides. ( My review of the scenic rides by Peloton. Two, you can switch to Just Ride mode.
What is Just Ride mode? It’s exactly what it sounds like. Just Ride mode is activated and you can pedal away. A Just Ride-ride works in three modes: resistance, cadence and output. The metrics are all visible on the screen.
Just Ride mode: Why?
If you are looking to exercise but don’t want the commitment of a class, Just Ride mode is an excellent option. You can also use Just Ride mode if you have to work from home or take part in a Zoom call, but you still want to keep your Peloton streak alive.
Where can I find Just Ride on the Peloton
How do I find Just Ride mode and get started? Look at the bottom left corner of the Peloton screen. You will see the icon and the words “More Rides”. Tap that. There are two options available, which are non-classic: Scenic Rides and Just Ride. To enable Just Ride mode, tap on Just Ride.
You can count a Just Ride-ride towards your total rides. You don’t have to “waste” any milestones on Just Ride.
What is Peloton Lanebreak?
A third option, “More Rides”, is available for 2022. It’s called Lanebreak. Lanebreak is a Peloton videogame that allows you to play while working out. It’s like Guitar Hero meets the Peloton bicycle.
Lanebreak rides count as any other ride. Check out my profile.
How do I pause an already recorded Peloton class?
Peloton classes can be paused. This was the constant refrain for the longest time. You couldn’t do that on the Peloton bike. You can now. The article about the Peloton Pause button provides more information on pausing classes.
What is the weight, height or age limit for Peloton?
Officially, there is a weight limit for Peloton as well as a height and age limit. Peloton states that the Bike Plus and bike can carry weights up to 297 pounds. But, I have met people who are heavier than that. Let’s just say they weren’t restricted in the way they used their bikes.
Peloton again states that a height minimum or maximum is 4'11”, and 6'5’’ the maximum. In this blog post, I discuss short riders on Peloton.
You might also wonder if there’s an age limit on Peloton. Peloton requires that users be at least 14 years of age. My article on Peloton and kids provides more information about how children can enjoy Peloton safely.
What is the Peloton Strive score?
This article will explain everything you need to know regarding the Peloton Strive Score. It also explains how to enable it or disable it.
Is there a camera in Peloton?
Did you see the blue tape in the Peloton photo above? It’s on my Peloton tablet, because yes, Peloton has a camera.
The camera was built into the tablet on the original Peloton bike. It’s always there. As with my laptop camera I have it covered with some blue tape to protect privacy. If someone hacks into my Peloton, or my laptop remotely, I don’t want them to activate my camera.
The Bike Plus has a sliding window which covers or exposes the Peloton’s camera. No blue tape is required.
You may now be wondering, “Why does the Peloton have cameras?” You can chat with your follower and video chat while you’re taking the class.
Can you use Peloton with or without the Internet?
Answering the question “Can I use Peloton without Internet?” is both yes- and no. You can use your Peloton with no Internet as long as your phone can hotspot to your bike or Tread. This has been my experience when my Internet was down.
Peloton can also be used without internet by using the Peloton App. Peloton can be used on any device, including your smartphone or tablet as long as you have a data plan.
This is something I do almost every day. Jess Sims’ 90-minute walk has been taken at least 63 times. It’s what I listen to every morning as I walk my dogs. It’s what she calls Jock Jams, in case you didn’t know.
It is clear, however, that you can’t use your Peloton if you don’t have Internet access or your phone doesn’t hotspot.
What do you do if Peloton doesn’t show cadence?
You have ever logged on to ride and found that your Peloton doesn’t show resistance or cadence? Perhaps the metrics are not being displayed at all by your Peloton?
Yes, it has happened to me. Three solutions that I have found to be effective are:
Peloton system updates are available.
First, exit the current ride. Next, scroll down to the bottom.
Is there a system upgrade visible at the bottom of your screen? Do you need to update your Peloton software? It is usually displayed with an exclamation mark and circling arrows surrounding it.
You will need to upgrade the software. This could be the reason why your Peloton doesn’t show any metrics or cadence.
Your Peloton bike should be turned off
Zwei, if you don’t see a system update, I want to ask you when the last time your bike was fully turned off. People often ask me if their bike should be turned off or shut down between rides. I always do. It’s because it’s good practice.
If it has been a while since your last Peloton shut down, you can restart it. Next, turn it on again and get back in your bike. Are the metrics showing that it is fixed? Are the metrics finally showing results? Great.
Like a modem, unplug your Peloton Cycle
If none of these options work, consider your Peloton bicycle as a modem. Do you know how unplugging a modem and counting down to 30 seems to solve all problems?
Your Peloton is a fancy device that runs on a computer. Technically, the tablet or screen is an Android device. To restore metrics, you can use the modem trick.
One of these solutions, I believe, will solve the problem of the Peloton showing no cadence, resistance or overall metrics. If I am wrong, I suggest you reach out to Peloton support.
Can you use a Peloton membership on multiple bikes
Two ways to answer the question “Can you use one Peloton membership on multiple bikes?”. If you have more Peloton bikes in your household, home, or family, you can. However, there is a caveat to this answer.
One person can only ride if more than one person sign up for the same subscription to two or more bikes. Peloton bikes can only be activated by one subscription.
However, if you want to share the ride with your children, or partner, you will need separate subscriptions. This applies only to the same type of hardware. Two Peloton bikes, riding in the same area or simultaneously, will need separate subscriptions.
Similar to the above, separate subscriptions will be required for two Peloton Treads that are being used simultaneously.
A single Peloton subscription can be used to access both the Peloton app, website or channel on a Roku TV. Peloton will not kick you off if you use a Tread or bike and also an online version.
You can also share a Peloton member. It is not possible to share a Peloton membership and ride the bike at the same time as another Peloton member.
What is the meaning of the person icon on a Peloton class overview?
The new icon of the little person in the upper left corner is a Peloton class preview. It’s confusing.
It was thought that it meant that someone was currently taking the class. As you can see, the number is next to this icon. It shows me how many of my friends or the people I have taken the same class.
The person icon will also have a check mark. This check mark indicates that _you’ve_previously attended this class. The older versions of the Peloton app would show you how many times you have taken a class. You now see the checkmark.
You will see a person icon in class. It tells you how many people are enrolled in the class. It will be located on the upper right-hand side of your class screen when you use the Peloton app or website. Below is an example.
As an example, I noticed that the Ben Alldis person icon displayed the number 15 next it when I was doing the Ben Alldis stretch classes this morning. This meant that I was among 15 others taking the same stretch class. This is your leaderboard on the website or app.
Tap that icon to expand it and you will see who is in your class. You can also send high-fives to classmates through the app or website.
What’s Tabata vs. HIIT?
Tabata is an interval class or workout. HIIT and Tabata are both interval classes. HIIT actually stands for High Intensity Interval training.
Peloton Tabata and HIIT classes are two different types of interval training. Here’s what I know: according the Cleveland Clinic. Tabata, however, is more precise in the way that intervals are structured.
Tabata classes usually have a 2:1 or 2:1 ratio of work to recovery. If you push for 20 seconds, your rest time is 10 seconds. You rest for 20 seconds if you push for 40 seconds. You can continue this process.
Tabata may be present in a HIIT class, but it’s not as specific. HIIT classes can have intervals or recovery periods of varying lengths.
What do AMRAP and EMOM mean?
EMOM or AMRAP are commonly used in Peloton strength classes and bootcamp workouts. Let’s find out what each one means.
EMOM stands to Every Minute on the Minute. This means that you are performing a series, with each move starting at the top.
AMRAP stands to As Many Reps as Possible. Robin Arzon taught me a 30-minute bike bootcamp class today. An AMRAP was the final part of the floor portion of class. The AMRAP included push-ups, tricep kickbacks, and wide presses. Once you had completed one set, you could start the next until you ran out of time. It was an absolute blast!
What is the Peloton Crew/Tribe?
What is a Peloton tribe or crew? This is a group that supports a particular instructor.
The #boocrew, for example, are Cody Rigsby supporters. Why? Because Cody calls everyone “boo.”
There are many tags that relate to tribes or crews and can be found on profiles. Some examples include:
- CDETribe (for Christine D’Ercole, Peloton instructor)
- JSSTribe (for Jenn Sherman, Peloton instructor)
- Yougettocrew (for Jess Sims, Peloton instructor)
- Pushpushcrew (for Peloton instructor Hannah Frankson)
- 80screw (for people who love music from the 1980s).
Peloton Homecoming
What is Peloton Homecoming? It’s an annual New York City event. This is where Peloton users come together to run, ride and train with their favorite instructors.
This article answers your questions about homecoming.
What is Peloton PR?
Peloton land PR means “personal record”. Some might also refer to it as PB, or personal best. PB to me is an abbreviation of peanut butter.
It’s basically when your total output from a class of the same length (i.e. A PR is a 45-minute ride that’s more than your previous output. You will then be awarded a PR. A yellow star badge will be awarded to you for your accomplishments when you have earned a PR.
Peloton Output
Are you familiar with Denis Morton’s riding lessons? “Cadence is combined with resistance like Voltron to produce output,” he always said.
The basic idea is that the output (or your power) of the bike you are riding is created by the combination of the resistance (the knob you turn in order to make pedaling more or less difficult) and the cadence.
Power Zone riders use Output to measure their output. Are you unfamiliar with Power Zone training? This is my blog that explains Power Zone.
Peloton Achievement Badges
Peloton is known for incentivizing exercise. How? You can give out badges.
Badges are awarded when you reach a PR. You also get badges if you have a streak of at least one day. And badges can be earned when you reach a milestone such as 100th or Century rides.
In this post about Peloton milestones, I take a deep dive into badges.
Final thoughts
This Peloton FAQ should have helped you to become more familiarized with the lingo of Peloton. Please let me know if I missed any terms or phrases. This will allow me to update the post.