Get Ripped with Peloton's Hardcore Floor Calendar
Are you looking for information on the Hardcore on the Floor Peloton calendar? Great. It’s great to share all that I have learned since I started the Hardcore calendar for Spring 2021. A few months back .
While I read this blog post, which explains Hardcore on The Floor, I will alternately use the abbreviation HCOTF. It stands for Hardcore On The Floor.
You may also see me using the phrase HCOTF 2018 This is Nicole Gonzalez, Hardcore on the Floor founder.
For links to Hardcore on The Floor on Facebook, HCOTF 2018 on Instagram and information about my Peloton monthly exercise coloring calendar for 2022, please scroll down to the bottom.
What is HCOTF?
HCOTF was founded as a Facebook group for people who wanted to add strength training to their Peloton workout. It’s basically a Peloton strength training program.
In 2021, Hardcore on the Floor had just 100,000 members. Today, there are more than 250,000 The HCOTF calendar is followed by 325,000 people. This is how it’s popular.
What is the Hardcore on the Floor calendar?
HCOTF, as I said, is dedicated to helping Peloton users include strength training into their workouts. The HCOTF calendar is a Peloton strength training plan and schedule.
You will find at least two classes suggested each day, seven days per week, and every day of the year. The workout plan includes a class that involves strength.
Core, Pilates, or Barre could all be considered strength. A strength workout doesn’t have to involve lifting weights.
Where can I find the Hardcore on the Floor Calendar?
Each month, the HCOTF calendar is uploaded to the Hardcore on the Floor group on Facebook. Nicole uploads the file the last day in each month.
You can expect to see the file under “Files”, in the Facebook group, on the 30th or 31st of each month. If it’s leap year, the March calendar can be found in February on the 28th, 29th, or the 29th.
How to Find Hardcore Calendar Classes on Instagram
You can also access the HCOTF calendar via another method if you are not on Facebook. Follow @hcotf2018 to access Nicole’s Instagram account. For links, scroll down to the bottom of the post.
Each day, she posts a picture of her workout. These are the screenshots you will see:
- Type of class (i.e. 10-minute core strength
- Name of the instructor
- Date and time
- The class level (i.e. beginner, intermediate, advanced)
You can then find the classes you want on the Peloton app on your computer or bike. You can also stack them to create your own Hardcore On the Floor workout routine. The Hardcore on the Floor calendar will provide you with a monthly strength stack of Peloton class.
You cannot stack classes on a Roku TV at the moment. You can’t also access your stacked classes via your Roku TV.
This is my blog post explaining how the Peloton schedule works. It also explains how to stack classes.
How does the HCOTF calendar function?
There are some things you should remember when using the HCOTF Facebook calendar. You are not permitted to share the calendar with anyone outside the group.
It is free to download, but it is not allowed to be shared with others. In this Hardcore on the Floor blog review, I won’t include a screenshot of the calendar.
The PDF version of this calendar has two benefits. It contains links to each class for each day. You can stack them by clicking on the link in PDF calendar.
To plan the next day of my workouts, I have been going to the Hardcore on the Floor PDF calendar each night. This way, I know exactly what day I will be exercising each morning.
It is a great motivator. It’s a great motivator.
Is it possible to use the HCOTF calendar by anyone?
Peloton classes are 100% incorporated into the HCOTF calendar. To access the classes, you must have a Peloton account.
Having the Peloton app alone is sufficient. Because all classes on the Hardcore calendar include Peloton floor workouts,
Are you over 50 and a Hardcore fan? This article might interest you.
What classes are you taking with the Hardcore on the Floor Calendar?
Hardcore on the Floor is primarily focused on Peloton floor workouts. We’re also talking about strength in those “floor” workouts.
By the way, the term “floor workouts”, as I refer to them, is not necessary to have Peloton hardware in order to take the classes. These classes are primarily strength training. All of these classes can be accessed through the Peloton App.
Six days out of seven you will be doing a core workout. On some days, you will be doing core and full-body strength classes with bodyweight. Some days will be devoted to lower-body and upper-body exercises.
Some classes require weights. Other classes do not.
You are encouraged to make adjustments, regardless of weight class. If you aren’t strong enough to squat while still holding weights, you can do this with your bodyweight.
This article will help you learn more about the Tunde arm challenge.
Yoga, strength and stretching classes
The HCOTF calendar allows you to do floor exercises, but it also offers a variety of other workouts. You can also do Barre and Pilates classes. These classes are technically strength classes.
You’ll also see foam rolling and yoga on the calendar at minimum once per week. These are great for strengthening your muscles.
The calendar now includes outdoor walks on the Peloton App on Sundays. You can either follow the HCOTF suggested walks or choose one that interests you. You’re mixing up your Peloton floor workouts.
This is a description of how Peloton’s walking classes work, including outdoor walks.
What are the essentials for Hardcore Floor Peloton?
You don’t need a Peloton bike, Tread or a treadmill to perform the Hardcore on the Floor. You should still invest in the basics of this calendar, as it is a Peloton strength exercise plan. These are:
- Hand weights or dumbbells (3 pound, 5 pound, 8 pound, 10 pound, 12 pound, 15 pound, 25 pound, depending on your strength)
- Resistance
- Yoga mat or workout
- Foam roller
- Yoga blocks
- You can use gripper socks for Barre and Pilates, but you can also wear them barefoot.
- Shoes for weight lifting
This is my blog about wide-waisted shoes for weightlifting.And, I have some shopping suggestions for the equipment that you should buy for the HCOTF calendar.
Finally, Here is an article on the best Peloton workout socks.
TRX dumbbells
These TRX dumbbells were recommended by my daughter Annie. They come in a range of weights, from 5 to 50 pounds. Annie loves them. They increase in increments of five pounds.
The TRX store sells them separately. Make sure to add two weights to your shopping cart.
Get 15% off your TRX Training Order with my exclusive Coupon Code: LEAH15TRX
Save 15% by using code LEAH15TRX when you check out
Resistance Bands are the best weights for peloton
Resistance Bands are the best weights for peloton
TheFitLife Exercise Resistance Straps with Handles - Five Fitness Workout Bands that can be stacked up to 110 lbs, 5 Training Tubes with large handles, Ankle Straps and Door Anchor Attachment, as well as a Carry Bag with a Bonus eBook.
PEACH BANDS Resistance Tube Bracelets Set - Exercise bands with handles, door anchor and workout guide
Gaiam Products
These Gaiam products are a part of my yoga practice as well as my overall fitness routine.
These Gaiam products are a part of my yoga practice as well as my overall fitness routine.
Premium Purple Mandala Yoga Mat (6mm)
Premium Purple Mandala Yoga Mat (6mm)
Yoga Block&Strap Combo
2 Pack of Grippy Classic Yoga Socks
Foam Roller for Foam Rolling Classes
LuxFit Extra Firm Speckled Foam Roller With Online Instructional Video (Blue 18-Inch).
LuxFit Extra Firm Speckled Foam Roller With Online Instructional Video (Blue 18-Inch).
Amazon Basics 36-Inch High-Density Round Foam Roller in Black
Amazon Basics 36-Inch High-Density Round Foam Roller in Black
TriggerPoint GrID Foam Roller, Original (13 Inch), Black
TriggerPoint GrID Foam Roller, Original (13 Inch), Black
OPTP Pro-Roller Soft Density Foam Roller - Blue 36 Inch
OPTP Pro-Roller Soft Density Foam Roller - Blue 36 Inch
Gaiam Restore Muscle Therapy Foam Roller in Marbled Purple, 18"
This is my foam roller.
Do I have to take every class on the Hardcore calendar every day?
This question is probably the most frequently asked in the HCOTF Facebook Group: Do I have to take every class on the Hardcore calendar? No, the answer is no. The Peloton instructors love to say, “You do what you want.”
When I started the classes, I was not strong enough to take all the classes. On some days, you might do a 10-minute core class followed by a 10-minute class that targets a specific area of your body (let’s call it the lower body). Then another 20-minute class will be done on the same area. I found that the 10-minute core class and the 10-minute body class were sufficient for me.
Even though I was stronger, my schedule sometimes didn’t allow me to attend all the classes. So, I might skip the 10-minute class but do the 20-minute one for the same area of my body.
Take classes during the day
Others I know have broken up the calendar during the day. They can accomplish it all, but not all at once.
There are many members of the HCOTF Facebook page who work in healthcare. There have been dozens of posts from frontline workers, including nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals, who took a break to do a 10-minute light weights and arms class. They had dumbbells stored in their bag or locker.
Is it okay to substitute Hardcore classes for the calendar
Let’s face it, we all have our favorites. Everyone has their favorite Peloton instructor. We all have Peloton instructors we don’t want to exercise with on a given day. It’s okay to swap classes.
There may also be medical reasons to substitute the Hardcore classes. My core strength was weak when I first started. My back was hurt from every core class. I was unable to stand for core classes. But I soon realized that core work was not going to help me grow my strength.
Substitute core classes for standing
Then, a HCOTF Facebook member mentioned that Rebecca Kennedy, a Peloton instructor, had taught a series of core classes. You could actually download a file from the Facebook group which listed all these Peloton standing Core Classes.
I then downloaded the file and saved the standing core classes. They were what I used for the first few months of my Hardcore calendar.
Last summer, I broke my wrist when I fell. Although I felt strong enough to take the floor core classes again, I couldn’t do planks while wearing a cast. I substituted standing core classes once more until the cast was removed.
More information on the core classes of Peloton standing is available here
Modifying classes based upon existing issues
Many people who use the calendar also have knee problems. That’s me, too.
Lunges are not negotiable for us. The same goes for curtsies.
If a lower-body class with a lot of lunges appears on the calendar, I will substitute one without lunges. I’ll return to classes that were gentle on my knees from previous classes.
HCOTF classes may also be used by some to help them get in shape after having children. Many will substitute for the core postpartum classes offered by Peloton, which I reviewed here.
Live classes in a group
Another way to replace HCOTF classes? By taking something live. Nicole often suggests that Hardcore members join certain classes that correspond with the day’s calendar. Sometimes, we will swarm live classes just for fun.
To see fellow Hardcore fans in class during a swarm, add the hashtag Hardcore tag on your profile. This will allow you to send high fives.
Welcoming new teachers
Sometimes a new instructor might teach their first live class. Nicole suggests that we swarm the one.
It’s a way of welcoming a new instructor into the Peloton family. It’s always exciting to hear instructors use the hashtag Hardcore in any class.
You might be approaching a milestone and want to take the class live. Rad Lopez’s live classes were the best for my strength milestones. He gave me shout-outs for both my milestones.
Are Hardcore Floor workouts only for Peloton?
As I said, the Hardcore on the Floor calendar basically consists of all Peloton floor workouts. This means classes for strength, stretching, and yoga. You can also go for an outdoor walk once a week on the app.
Many HCOTF users also participate in Power Zone challenges. It can be difficult to complete all Power Zone rides and the Hardcore calendar without feeling exhausted.
Power Zone and Hardcore Calendar
One of the HCOTF members creates an HCOTF “pairing” calendar for Power Zone challenges. This will help you determine which days to ride on the Power Zone calendar. Then, you will see how to pair the Power Zone rides with a modified Hardcore calendar.
This is my blog about Power Zone training.
The HCOTF calendar always has suggested rides that can be paired with your daily workouts. It’s shorter than usual, but it’s more intense.
Today, I did my HCOTF strength training, then I rode a 20 minute HIIT bike with Christine D’Ercole. Next, I took the 20-minute yoga class that I had scheduled for another day.
HCOTF calendar introduces new Peloton instructors
The Hardcore calendar allows you to take classes with new instructors. Nicole is great at adding new content to the calendar from older instructors.
Peloton, for example, welcomed Mariana Fernandez (aka Irish Yank), Kirra Michel and Nico Sarani as new instructors in 2021. Nicole quickly added strength and yoga classes to their calendar.
Peloton Coloring Sheet for 2022
This is a Peloton coloring page for dedicated users such as you and me. It’s a workout coloring calendar for 2022.
How to locate the Hardcore on the Floor calendar
I have explained that the Hardcore on the Floor calendar is available in two places. It’s accessible through the Facebook group. It’s also available as an Instagram daily post at @HCOTF2018
Join the Hardcore on the Floor group on Facebook.
To access the HCOTF Instagram account, click here
Final thoughts on the Hardcore on the Floor calendar by Peloton
Do you want to wait for the new calendar to start Hardcore on The Floor?
This question is very popular in the HCOTF Facebook Group. Or, rather, a popular sentiment: “I am waiting until next month to start on the calendar.”
This was how I felt when I thought about starting. Then I realized that it was not a good idea to wait until the beginning of each month. It would actually be more beneficial to begin today.
This calendar’s beauty is that you can just jump in when you want, change as much as you like and get the job done. If you think you have to wait for the next calendar to get started with Hardcore on The Floor, you are wrong. Start with just one class. Today. You will feel great.