Hit the Road with Justin Bieber: A Closer Look at the Peloton Artist Series
Peloton has just announced that Justin Bieber will be featured musician for its Artist Series. Bieber will be the subject of “Yummy” Peloton classes, which include runs, cardio, yoga and strength training. Peloton members can all try them.
Peloton’s Artist Series has featured Alicia Keys and A$AP Ferg before. Peloton announced Justin Bieber’s announcement for its most recent Artist Series via Twitter.
This artist doesn’t need introduction. Get ready to see our @justinbieberArtist series. pic.twitter.com/LHUZpImcW2
– Peloton (@onepeloton)
April 2, 2021
This may be a pleasant surprise for fans of the Canadian singer. However, it may not have been expected. Last week_PeloBuddy_reported that a Justin Bieber class had shown up in Peloton’s upcoming schedulebefore it was taken down. People began to wonder “What do you mean?” Some decided to “Hold on” to find out if the rumors were true.
It’s official, Holy smokes. Peloton members will be able to “Beauty and a Beat”, their personal records, with a slew Bieber-themed classes starting in April. Here is the current schedule.
- 30 minute Justin Bieber Ride with Olivia Amato, 4/7/21 @ 7:15pm EDT
- Justin Bieber Warmup Ride - Jenn Sherman - 4/7/21 (On-Demand)
- 30 minute Justin Bieber Run - Matt Wilpers - 4/9/21 @ 7:00am EDT
- Justin Bieber Yoga - Ross Rayburn - 4/9 (On-Demand)
- Justin Bieber HIIT Cardio - Adrian Williams - 4/9 (On-Demand)
- 30 minute Justin Bieber Ride - Irene Scholz - 4/10/21 @ 11:30am EDT (Encore)
- 20 minute Justin Bieber Full Body Strength - Irene Scholz - 4/10/21 @ 12:05pm EDT (Encore)
Some may read this announcement and think “I don’t care,” but you should still give these classes a try. This is the best way to work out for “10,000 hours”. Never Say Never