Get Smarter About Your Fitness: Peltrend's Peloton Workout Analytics Tool

Spending a lot of time on any connected fitness service will result in a lot more data than you need to analyze to better understand your progress. Peltrendis an easy way to get key metrics from your Peloton workouts.

To upload your data, first visit your Peloton account to export it.

  • Register to access your Peloton Profil.
  • To download a.CSV file containing all your data, click “DOWNLOAD WORKOUTS”.
  • To upload your data, go to

After your data is uploaded, you will be able to view your personal bests and compare rides. You can also see trends and your power zone and high-level data about your rides.

The ‘Your Experience’ section was my favorite when I looked at all the data I have accumulated since May. It gave me information like your earliest ride, most recent, the amount of calories you have burned, and many other stats.

It is a free tool and takes only a few seconds to download and upload data. This makes it worth your time to view your data at a high level. You will need to redownload your data to view the latest statistics.

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